A Branding Expert Ups Her Visual Game - NYC Branding Photographer

As a branding expert, Tiff Knighten took her own advise that she gives to clients…she got FABULOUS new branding photos that will help to promote her personal brand and her professional services to potential clients and to her followers. Our very collaborative session was SO MUCH FUN! And as you can see, she totally nailed it!

If you are an entrepreneur, a founder, a creative or a public figure, getting branding photos 2-4 times a year is essential! Its important to constantly refresh your visual message to your audience - to attract people to 1) who you are, 2) what you are about and 3) what you are doing on a consistent basis.

If you need help in the brand strategy/public relations/strategic partnerships and integrated marketing communications space, reach out to Tiff at www.tiffknighten.com or www.brandcurators.co. She’s an expert and exudes such positive energy! She caters to the unique needs of founders and creative entrepreneurs. And, of course, check out these websites to see how she uses her new bradning photos!

Invest in yourself with a fabulous new Professional Headshot - Brooklyn Headshot Photographer

Are you ready for the next level in your career?

When people google you or search your name on LinkedIn, does your image present you in the best light?

In this visual and zoom-filled business world, having a polished, approachable and professional headshot is ESSENTIAL. You need to invest in yourself if you want potential clients to invest in you. A great professional headshot helps to build confidence.  It makes you feel legitimate in your field and gives you an edge in your business. My photography clients upgraded their professional headshots this past year and found great business success even in our covid reality.

What are you waiting for?

Professional Movement even in Covid - NYC Headshot Photographer

Careers do go on even in a global pandemic.

People are getting new jobs, launching new projects, creating new businesses and strengthening their job roles to make this year a success despite the hardships that we have experienced.

What is one of the best marketing essentials that is fantastic for be taken seriously in the professional world? A new professional headshot of course!

Remember - you only have one chance to make a first impression. Having polished professional headshots ARE that important!

More Than Your Typical Headshot - Brooklyn Portrait Photographer

This woman is FABULOUS both inside and out. 35 years of friendship and decades of memories to make in our future.

It was such a joy to photograph her during her recent visit. She radiants here.

This is 45 at its finest!

(amazing statement earrings and necklaces courtesy of Kathy Tuschman Gelfand's Kathy G Collective)

Child Acting Headshots - Brooklyn Kid Photographer

When you have a child who wants to get into acting...what do you need to do??? Get wonderful, personality-filled headshots that show her range.

It was so wonderful to photograph this sweet girl! I can't believe she is only 9! She's using these portraits for her casting call this weekend. Best of luck to her! And, as a bonus, her mom and dad get to cherish these beautiful portraits of their daughter at this very precious age.